Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Ad7n4es3: It began to grow.

Each year, Navajo Studies has a theme that has cultural significance to student learning and progress.
Traditionally, this theme  is designated for “Traditional Days”. However, the theme is appropriate for the  school year.
Several years back, as RRCS received word that it will receive funding for new school facilities, it made its plans to bring student learning up to par. As our ancestors practiced, we proceeded.
The first thought was to prepare a plan that would get students to where they need to be. This came in the form of songs and prayers, a seed planted at the groundbreaking location, now, the current site of the elementary school.
The themes chosen for the next seven years were strategically chosen to follow the sequence of the corn growth. Each stage, or school year, adds onto the previous year to reach maturity, or our goals. The cycle is then  appropriately repeated with the new.
In this way, we will all walk in beauty.

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